STMicro on corporate responsibility — Part 2

Friends, here’s the second and concluding part of my discussion with Vivek Sharma, Director, India Design Center, and Vice President, Emerging Market Regions, STMicroelectronics. Here, we have discussed how the company’s corporate social responsibility has helped ST reduce greenhouse gases/reducing carbon footprint/CO2 emissions, handling e-waste and chemicals, and the company’s success in developing ‘greener andContinue reading “STMicro on corporate responsibility — Part 2”

STMicroelectronics on corporate responsibility — part 1

STMicroelectronics recently launched its Corporate Social Responsibility Report — said to be the first of its kind. I was fortunate enough to catch up with Vivek Sharma, Director, India Design Center, and Vice President, Emerging Market Regions, and find out more about this report. Here’s what he had to say: ST’s concept of sustainable excellenceContinue reading “STMicroelectronics on corporate responsibility — part 1”