Mentor on EDA trends and solar/PV

This is a continuation of my recent discussion with Joseph Sawicki, vice president & GM, Design to Silicon Division, Mentor Graphics. There have been whispers that the EDA industry has been presently lagging behind semiconductors and is in the catch-up mode. “That’s a matter of perspective. There are definitely unsolved challenges at 32nm and 22nm,Continue reading “Mentor on EDA trends and solar/PV”

Semicon special: Global and Indian scenarios, design trends

I’ve been blogging on semicon for some time now, and it is also going to be a year since the CIOL Semicon site was launched. This special edition looks at the global semiconductor scenario — how is the industry dealing with the ‘deep trauma’ it finds itself in, along with certain forecasts. Will the recessionContinue reading “Semicon special: Global and Indian scenarios, design trends”

Semicon to grow 12pc in 2008: Future Horizons

If there is going to be a global economic recession, the chip industry (but not all companies) is in the best shape possible to weather the ensuing storm! According to Malcom Penn, CEO, Future Horizons, we are dealing with a semiconductor industry in ‘deep trauma.’ He was delivering the company’s forecast at the recently heldContinue reading “Semicon to grow 12pc in 2008: Future Horizons”

Encouraging developments in 22nm!

Suddenly, but steadily, there seems to be lot of work going on in the 22nm space. This can only be encouraging for the global semiconductor industry. Savor these! This week, SEMATECH researchers presented trend-setting research results in extending the CMOS logic and memory technologies at the International Symposium on VLSI Technology, System and Applications (VLSI-TSA),Continue reading “Encouraging developments in 22nm!”

Challenges for IC industry and Dr. Gargini’s lessons

Those who were fortunate enough to attend the recently held SEMICON WEST in San Francisco had the pleasure of attending a great session on the past. present and future challenges for the IC industry by Dr. Paolo Gargini, Director of Technology Strategy at Intel. For those who may not have the time to read thisContinue reading “Challenges for IC industry and Dr. Gargini’s lessons”

Paradigm shift indeed in semicon

Going through an article written by Dr. Wolfgang Ziebart, Member of the Management Board, President and CEO, Infineon Technologies, in Financial Times Deutschland, one cannot help but appreciate the great paradigm shift that has indeed taken place in the semiconductor industry. The article titled: A paradigm shift in the semiconductor industry: Could this be theContinue reading “Paradigm shift indeed in semicon”